We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.
We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.
Christmas: December Tutor Time Bundle
Christmas: Christmas and Advent Pack -
Advent and Christmas (120 minutes worth of content!) A Grab and Go Lesson! Zero prep. This resource was originally planned to span a 2 hour double lesson, but can easily be split into a series of lessons. This pack includes: PowerPoint: 32 slides!!! Resource Booklet: 8 Sheets. This lesson contains a really fun starter activity Who live in a house like this? The Nativity that can be purchased as a standalone resource for £2. The lesson takes pupils through the importance of advent and the advent wreath. They have to complete a posted on the advent wreath and Christingle based on internet research they carry out. If you do not have access to the internet during lessons it is advisable that the lesson prior to this you give them a research homework on these items. There is a match up activity on the various symbols of Christmas and their significance. Pupils are taken through a Christmas Mass within the Roman Catholic Church and have to complete an order task based on this. Following which, pupils can complete a summary sheet. Plenary is one of our interactive activities-the 5Ws. This is used to summarise the lesson.
Christmas: Reverse Advent Challenge - A tutor time Advent activity based on donation and charity. Can be amended to incorporate the whole class or pupils can be spilt into six groups and each group can complete their own Reverse Advent Challenge.
Christmas - Snowflake Timers: This is a really fun Christmas snowflake timer selection - If you love our other timers you will certainly love this! It comes complete with music! This fun countdown timer can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. You have a choice between a 1, 2 or 5 minute, 10, minute timer. You can alter the timings in the animation pane to make the timer shorter or longer should you so wish. The Snowflake timers can be copied from this presentation and pasted and inserted into your own or on top of any slide you wish.
Christmas Bingo: A bingo activity for the Christmas season.
Christmas : Advent / Christmas Calendar - An interactive Advent Calendar for pupils to use during form time. behind each door is a thought for the day. Makes for a good discussion.
Christmas: Elfish Behaviour-o-meter & Advent Reward Chart - Great for the weeks leading up to the Christmas holidays! This includes a number of great resources. A visual PowerPoint display that you can use with your classes for behaviour management. There are also naughty, improvement and nice certificates that can be printed out and given to the child to take home. These can be edited on the PowerPoint if yo wish to add a reason for certification, for example. A PDF version is available for ease of printout also. Keep a check on your class’ behaviour this Christmas with these individual Elfish Behaviour charts. Print out the three reward stamps and issue one to each child every day in accordance with their behaviour. A fun way to instil work ethic and sound behaviour in the run up to Christmas!
Christmas: Interactive Crack the Code Wheel: This resource consists of a PowerPoint (4 slides) and a Resource Booklet (3 pages) It is designed to be used interactively as a class to generate a code for pupils to create their own secret messages in the code. Alternatively, pupils can make their own Crack the Code wheels and create their very own personal secret code and their peers can try to crack them! If you are creating them yourself for mass pupil use, we always suggest that you laminate them prior to assemble for longevity of use. You can copy and paste the Crack the Code Generator slide into any presentation you wish or use the slide as a standalone resource. Click on the spin button to start the generator and the stop button to stop it.
Christmas: Snowman Challenge - Have fun this Christmas season and challenge your classes to build a snowman! This is a really fun activity to use during the festive season consisting of 4 different options. Pupils should be divided into teams or can complete the challenge as a whole class. You can either select one, two, three or four teams.There is a blank worksheet within this pack that can be printed out as many times as you like and laminated. We suggest at least 20 times. We then give a minimum of 5 laminated sheets to each team who then can devise 5 questions (and answers) on the topic you give them.
The completed sheets are handed back to you (the Quizmaster) to ask the other teams. Alternatively, if the class are playing the game as a whole then you can devise the questions for them to answer.
The winning team are the ones who build the snowman first!
Also included in this resource is our Christmas - Snowflake Timers which are priced at £2.60. The times consist of 1, 2 or 5 minute, 10, minute timers. That can be used during the challenge for pupils to answer questions or complete tasks that you give each team.
PPT: 13 Slides Worksheet: 1 A4 sheet.
If you like this resource why not download our Christmas Plenary Generator
Christmas : Quiz Christmas: Interactive resource complete with INTERACTIVE scoreboard!! SEVEN rounds. Consisting of Religious, popular culture (Secular) , Music, True or False, A Teamwork round and Symbols of Christmas. Complete with you tube links for the music round.
We hope that you enjoy this resource, Merry Christmas!
If you like this resource, please give us a review and we will send you a free resource of your choice of the same value.
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Black History Month Kit
Here is a selection of our high quality Black History Month resources. We will be adding more over the next few days-so stay tuned!
If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.<br />
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Christmas Traditions-2 hour+ lesson-Pupils have to research and create a project on Christmas in other countries.
Christmas around the world. Pupils have to locate the given countries on the map and then take notes based on the YouTube video clip. They must then research countries of their choice and their Christmas traditions. The session ends with an opinion line and/ or our emoji selector activity.
Have a very merry Christmas!
If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.
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Complete Advent Kit. This is a Fully resourced pack with a 1 hour lesson, Advent Challenge Task and an Advent Calendar. With various other Advent activities.
Included is:
Who lives in a house like this
Religous & Secular Symbols
The Advent Wreath.
Class Advent Challenge
In detail description:
There are three INDIVIDUAL resources here with worksheets .
Resource 1: An Interactive Advent Calendar that MUST be shown in presentation mode. Each day pupils can open the calendar and have a different thought for the day.
Resource 2: Reverse Advent Calendar. This takes pupils through the concept of giving at Christmas and promotes an act of social justice in the class. During the last week of term pupils can then give the advent boxes to a charity of their choice.
Resource 3: This is a fully resourced lesson with a small section that requires research on the internet.
Pupils play the INTERACTIVE game ‘Who lives in a house like this?’, designed as a recap of what they know about the nativity.
The aims and objectives slide caters for all abilities and is therefore fully differentiated.
The slide show discusses what Advent is and the different candles, then the pupils are tasked with a small amount of research on the internet.
Following which, there is an activity on the secular and religious items of Christmas (fully animated PPT slides with answers too).
Next, pupils are taken through the midnight Christmas Mass, there is opportunity for group work here discussing the order in which they think they should appear.
Lastly there is another INTERACTIVE resource asking pupils to recount the information they have learned from this lesson.
This has been rated 5* by Tes and is an inspected resource that has been rated ‘outstanding’.
We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.
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Jesus: Jesus Bundle
The run up to Easter is a perfect time to be teaching about the person of Jesus.
This is a selection of resources based on the person of Jesus…
Jesus Lesson: A lesson based on the life of Jesus. A task on what pupils know about Jesus, what they think he may have looked like. A beat the teacher task on what the Bible says the Messiah will be like. Finally, a worksheet for pupils to fill in based on research they will do on 3 major aspects of his life-birth, teachings, death and a section to fill in on any Biblical quotes they may find interesting in relation to this task.
Death of Jesus Interactive Guide Lesson: This is an interactive guide surrounding some of the key concepts used to explain the reasons for Jesus’ sacrifice.
Pupils will have use of a poem, Biblical quotes and these key terms to discuss, analyse and select the most relevant information relating to the beliefs about death in Christianity. They will then be tasked with answering an exam style question: “Explain why the death of Jesus is important? (4)”
Miracles of Jesus: A worksheet for pupils to write about four miracles of Jesus and to draw a picture that represents this.
Person of Jesus: A worksheet based on the names of Jesus. Pupils are to match up the name with the correct meaning and colour code this.
Miracles of Jesus: A worksheet for pupils to fill in based on the life of Jesus
Names for Jesus Doodle Sheet: A worksheet based on names for Jesus. Pupils must then guess the name of Jesus based on their knowledge of the definition.
Mother’s Day Quiz
This INTERACTIVE quiz has 7 rounds consisting of a variety of activities and is perfect for Tutor Time or a fun lesson activity. It has the potential to span 90 minutes depending on how many rounds you wish to play.
PowerPoint: 70 slides.It even comes with an interactive score board for you to keep tabs on the team’s points. You can select the round you wish to play by using the interactive bookshelf.
The Mother’s Day Quiz consists of:
General Knowledge
True or False
Picture Round
Movie Round
Music Round
Bonus Round
Please note that the music round is linked to YouTube.
We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.
Get your children involved and writing creative stories this Halloween with our Halloween spooke generator.
100 picture prompts
161,700 combinations
Fully Interactive
Great for creative writing!
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite's Shop click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
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Christmas Reward Activity. A perfect way to reward your class! Use this as a rewards and incentives tool.
When pupils are well behaved, click the button and add another section to the loading bar. When the bar is full, pupils are rewarded with a makebelieve email to Santa.
Please click on the video to view this resource.
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Christmas: Elfish Behaviour-o-meter & Advent Reward Chart
Great for the weeks leading up to the Christmas holidays!
This includes a number ofgreat resources.
A visual PowerPoint display that you can use with your classes for behaviour management.
There are also naughty, improvement and nice certificates that can be printed out and given to the child to take home. These can be edited on the PowerPoint if yo wish to add a reason for certification, for example. A PDF version is available for ease of printout also.
Keep a check on your class’ behaviour this Christmas with these individual Elfish Behaviour charts. Print out the three reward stamps and issue one to each child every day in accordance with their behaviour. A fun way to instil work ethic and sound behaviour in the run up to Christmas!
We hope that you enjoy this resource, Merry Christmas!
If you like this resource, please give us a review and we will send you a free resource of your choice of the same value.
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
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Love Sermon. This resource was designed around Reverend Michael Curry’s Sermon on Love during the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.<br /><br /><br /><br />
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Included in this resource: <br /><br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br /><br />
Snowball activity, <br /><br /><br /><br />
Two you tube clips-one of the full Sermon and the other is an excerpt of the Sermon,<br /><br /><br /><br />
Discussion points,<br /><br /><br /><br />
Reflective quote on love,<br /><br /><br /><br />
‘Tweet this’ plenary. <br /><br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br /><br />
If you like this resource, please give us a review and we will send you a free resource of your choice of the same value. <br /><br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br /><br />
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This Spooktacular Halloween Quiz is FULLY INTERACTIVE and contains spook Halloween themed music.
This can be used within lesson , during Tutor Time or during an assembly for an ‘inter form’ end of term activity/ quiz.
This PowerPoint contains 114 slides.It even comes with a team selector and an interactive score board for you to keep tabs on the team’s points.
10 rounds including:
Spooktacular Selector.
Witches’ Brew
Trick 'R Treat
Scaredy Cat
Mind’s Eye
Boo or False
Ghostly Game
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This Bullying Assembly pack contains a PPT (17 Slides) and a handout for you to make notes on each slide should you so wish.
The assembly introduces pupils to Anti Bullying Week . It includes links to YouTube clips educating them on this. This resource includes inspirational quote and an OPTIONAL Christian prayer.<br />
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Santa Cam & Elf Cam! A 2 for 1 resource A FULLY INTERACTIVE behaviour management
Do you have a class that needs elf surveillance this Christmas? Why not keep their behaviour in check with this INTERACTIVE Santa cam?!
Display this on the board during class tasks during the Christmas season. What a nifty way to let your class know that they need to behave as Santa is ALWAYS WATCHING!!
Press the Red button if your class aren’t behaving and the gauge will move from green to yellow.
Press it again and it will move to orange and once more for red.
If you have to press it again the camera will flash and you will hear a camera sound effect.
The children will think that this is photographic evidence kept for Santa to decide whether they will be on the naughty or nice list this Christmas.
There is a ‘Naughty’ and ‘Nice’ Christmas quick note certificate printout at the back of this pack for pupils to be given a note to take home at the end of the lesson/day.
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Christmas Bundle
New Buyers: 90% off with code: NEWYEAR90
Return Buyers: 50% off with code: UMZQ53TF
enter @ checkout!
This is a great selection of our interactive Christmas resources
World Cup 2018 : Bingo
Use this in conjunction with our <a title=“World Cup Selector” href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/world-cup-2018-world-cup-2018-selector-interactive-11911414”>World Cup Selector</a>
This is a simple Bingo template for you and your pupils to use during the World Cup Festivities. It includes a blank Bingo template and a sheet with the names of the 32 countries taking part in the World Cup.
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This is a great end of term activity!
There are a few different puzzle sheets to choose from in this resource. Print your choice out in A3 paper and hand a puzzle piece out to each pupil.
This resource can be used for any subject and any age group. You can use any topic!
Pupils will each have to draw (and colour) your interpretation of this topic onto the puzzle piece.
Depending on age group, pupils can also write a sentence or two about it on the back of the puzzle to explain your artwork.
At the end of the lesson you will be required to stick your puzzle piece on the board to create one big puzzle.
We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.
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Boardgame Lesson
This is a really fun board game to test prior knowledge! It can be played as a class or in individual groups.
If this board game is played in groups it is recommended that you print the board game slide out on A3 paper and laminate it for longevity.
The board game resource comes with a selection of blank question cards for you to add your own questions on any topic.
Complete with our Interactive Dice and our Random Group Generator Ideal for setting timed tasks.
If you have a windows computer the counters on the windows board game resource can be clicked and moved when in presentation mode! If you use a Mac computer this slide can be used interactively out of presentation mode!
Also included are two of our fun timers!
We hope that you enjoy this resource and take the time to review it :-)
We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
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